Naandwegamik Health Centre

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Naandwegamik Health Centre
Four Directions Complex/ Multi-Use Recreation Complex
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Negaan'abik Daycare
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Endaa-aang (Our Place)
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Contact Us:
R.R. #1, 13 Hill Street
Little Current, Ontario
P0P 1K0
(705) 368-3171
(705) 368-0293

Naandwegamik Health Centre
"Place of Healing"
Vision Statement - To provide quality, holistic community based services that meet community, family and individual needs by addressing issues through a team effort that promotes and respects community, family and individual responsibility for health through both traditional and western methods.

In September 2000 the health centre and a garage was contructed. This facility is wheelchair accessable, it is equipped with two treatment rooms, offices, storage rooms and a counselling/ observation room and a conference room with a kitchen. Visiting medical personnel such as physicians and nurse practitioners come in to help community members with basic blood tests, diabetes checks or other non-life threatening illnesses whether it be physical or mental. For the off-reserve medical appointments and for those who do not have access to a vehicle the medical driver uses the van to take them to and from their appointments.

C.H.R. - Shirley Corbiere
CHR - Community Health Representative -
Shirley Corbiere 
The Community Health Representative/program provides education, health promotion, health liason, basic referrals and also acts as a community health developer. The program also works in conjuction with local health care providers in the delivery of services. Services include: Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program, Maternal/Child Health, Diabetes Program and Hypertension Management Program.

Family Well Being Program Worker
Joanne Audette




Community Support Worker - Cindy Trudeau

Community Support Worker Program provides services to families and children that focus on prevention, support and education for wellness. The intent of this program is to influence a positive change and help in promoting self-reliance and family unity. Some services include parenting programs, children's after-school programs. Support and referrals, also referrals to local food bank for those families in serious need.

Youth Alcohol And Drug Worker/
Health Team Lead

Jenny McGraw


Medical Transportation/Referral Clerk- Fran McGraw  
The Referral Clerk assists on-reserve clients with local and distant medical trips with regards to transporation, accomodations and financial assisatance. Directs clients to the appropriate service providers when accessing health services such as the Northern Health Travel Grant Program.
Health Services Support Worker/Receptionist: Debbie Madahbee-Crites
The mandate of the Health Centre Assistant is to provide secretarial support to the Health and Social Services Team and visiting Medical Personnel,